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1. Biodiversity of India: Tribal People and their Livelihoods
R.L.S. Sikarwar
........................... 1-12
2. Mainstreaming Biodiversity into Poverty Reduction Strategies
Anurag Kumar Srivastava and Deepti Priyadarshini
........................... 13-18
3. Sustainable utilization of Biodiversity: Role of Pteridophytes in Livelihoods of Tharu Tribes of Uttar Pradesh
Ajit Pratap Singh and Deepali Johari
........................... 19-30
4. Observations on Useful Underutilized Wild Food Plants Among the Tharu Tribal of Uttar Pradesh for Sustaining Local People, their Livelihood and Maintaining Biodiversity
Anand Prakash, N. Manika and R.K.Yadav
........................... 31-43
5. Sensitizing biodiversity conservation at school-college level. An experiment with workshops of Uttar Pradesh State Biodiversity Board
Sanjeeva Nayaka
........................... 44-48
6. Ecotourism: An Opportunity for Biodiversity Conservation and Livelihoods
Amita Kanaujia, Shivangi Mishra, Adesh Kumar, Daya Shanker Sharma, Ankit Sinha and Ruby Yadav
........................... 49-60
7. Importance and Scope of Lesser Known Tree Species in Livelihood and Biodiversity Conservation
Anita Tomar, Anubha Srivastva, Dinesh Kumar and Rajeev Kumar Srivastava
........................... 61-62
8. Sustainable Management and Biodiversity Conservation
Atul Batra and R.S.Katiyar
........................... 63-66
9. Non-Timber Forest Produces for Livelihood Security
Anubha Srivastav, Anita Tomar and M. K. Shukla
........................... 67-70
10. Utility Value for the Sustenance of Local people in the Selection of Species for Bio-reclamation of Silica Mining Area
Kumud Dubey, K. P. Dubey and Alok Pandey
........................... 71-75
11. Importance of Conserving Wetlands in the Context of Climate Change and Adoption Strategies
U. K. Sarkar and Gunjan Karnatak
........................... 76-84
12. Wetlands: A Matter of Dollar Value
Adesh Kumar and Amita Kanaujia
........................... 85-100
13. Sustainable use and conservation of Basil’s diversity in Upper Gangetic Plains of Uttar Pradesh
Birendra Kumar, T.C. Ram, P. Prasad, M. K. Verma, G. Ram, A. Samad, R.K. Lal, Somesh Gupta and S.C. Singh
........................... 101-110
14. Effect of Stone Mining Area Flora on Sustenance of Local People
Alok Pandey and Kumud Dubey
........................... 111-115
15. Sustainable utilization of plant-diversity in homestead garden of Uttar Pradesh for providing nutrition security in the household
Chandra Sekhar Mohanty and P. Pushpangadan
........................... 116-119
16. Engaging Community for Sustainable Actions for Conserving Habitat of Ganges river dolphin in Ganga river basin
Preeti R. Kanaujia, Mohd. Saquib Khan and Vidya Bhooshan Singh
........................... 120-124
17. Innovative Capacity Building – the radical requirement for mainstreaming Biodiversity and sustaining people and their livelihoods
Triveni Prasad Dubey
........................... 125-128
18. Diversity of guanophilic fungi of frugivorous bats
Pawan Kumar Misra, Divya Sharma and V. Elangovan
........................... 129-132
19. Distribution and conservation issues of Indian flying fox, Pteropus giganteus in Uttar Pradesh
Mukesh Kumar, Yuvana Satya Priya, Virendra Mathur and Vadamalai Elangovan
........................... 133-139
20. Fish Diversity of Himalayan Region, India for sustainable development
Atul K Singh
........................... 1140-144
21. Induced Spawning in Pangasianodon hypophthalmus and Hatching of Eggs in Three Different Types of Hatcheries at Raipur (Chhattisgarh for Mass Seed Production
C. S. Chaturvedi, Rashmi S. Ambulkar, R. K. Singh and A. K. Pandey
........................... 145-152
22. Induced Spawning and Larval Rearing of Climbing Perch, Anabas testudineus under Controlled Conditions of Raipur (Chhattisgarh)
C. S. Chaturvedi, Rashmi Ambulkar, R. K. Singh, Rehana Abidi and A. K. Pandey
........................... 153-159
23. Response of French Marigold to varied spacing and Phosphate level on Sodic Soil
R.S.Katiyar and Atul Batra
........................... 160-161
24. A Preliminary Analysis of Angiospermic Flora of Sonbhadra District, Uttar Pradesh
Arun Kumar Kushwaha, Nandita Singh, Lalit Mohan Tewari and Lal Babu Chaudhary
........................... 162-166
25. Integrated Effects of Climate Change and Pollution on the Ganges River Biodiversity
Ashutosh Tripathi, D.K. Chauhan and Niraj Kumar
........................... 167-172